A 100-pound person would weigh 254 pounds on Jupiter.
Jupiter is made up of gases and liquids, so as it rotates, its parts do not rotate at exactly the same velocity. It rotates very rapidly, and this spinning action gives Jupiter a large equatorial bulge; it looks like a slightly-flattened sphere (it is oblate)
At aphelion (the place in its orbit where Jupiter is farthest from the Sun), Jupiter is 815,700,000 km from the Sun. At perihelion (the place in its orbit where Jupiter is closest to the Sun), Jupiter is 749,900,000 km from the Sun. Jupiter has no seasons. Seasons are caused by a tilted axis, and Jupiter's axis is only tilted 3 degrees (not enough to cause seasons).
Galileo first discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter, Io (which is volcanically active), Europa, Ganymede (the largest of Jupiter's moons, pictured at the left), and Callisto in 1610; these moons are known as the Galilean moons. Ganymede is the largest moon in the Solar System.
The cloud-tops average 120 K = -153°C = -244°F.
An SL-9 impact site on Jupiter, July 6, 1994. Photo by Hubble Space Telescope. |
Jupiter was first visited by NASA's Pioneer 10, which flew by Jupiter in 1973. Later fly-by visits included: Pioneer 11, Voyager 1, Voyager 2, Ulysses, and Galileo.
This is the symbol of the planet Jupiter. |
Mantle: Pressurized hydrogen in the mantle may generate electric currents which generate Jupiter's powerful magnetic field. The outer mantle is liquid hydrogen; the inner mantle is liquid metallic hydrogen. The layers of extraordinarily-compressed hydrogen are in a state so extreme that it has never been produced on Earth. The pressure is so great that the hydrogen molecules inside Jupiter conduct heat and electricity very well, in a metal-like fashion (they do not do this under Earth-like condition). Inside Jupiter, electrons from hydrogen molecules move freely from molecule to molecule (like the electrons of a metal); this is what allows the electrical and heat conductivity. Core: At the center of the planet is a molten rock core which is many times bigger and more massive than the entire Earth. It is 20,000 °C, about three times hotter than the Earth's core.
Internal Heat: Jupiter is a heat source; it radiates 1.6 times a much energy as it receives from the Sun. This energy is produced by Jupiter's shrinking due to gravity, and this produces heat. Also, it is still cooling down, losing its initial energy (the energy it received as the Solar System formed).
Does Jupiter produce energy by nuclear fusion -- NO. Jupiter, the biggest of the gas giants, is too small to produce a core temperature that is hot enough to undergo fusion (you need about 3 million degrees to start the fusion of hydrogen). You'd need a body that was many times the mass of Jupiter to get nuclear fusion (the theoretical limit is about 8 percent of the mass of the Sun).
Magnetic Field: Jupiter has a very strong magnetic field. The magnetic field is probably generated as the planet spins its deep metallic-hydrogen layer with electrical currents .
Jupiter's magnetic field (Jupiter's magnetosphere) extends for millions of miles into space. The tail of this magnetic field (which is extended by the solar wind), extends into the orbit of Saturn! A tremendous amount of charged particles are trapped within this magnetosphere, especially in the inner parts of this field. This makes Jupiter the most deadly radiation environment of any of the planets.
This whirlwind varies in size and color from year to year. It is about 17,000 miles (28,000 km) long and 9,000 miles (14,000 km) wide; it is the biggest storm in this solar system. It is so big that the three Earths would fit in it with room to spare.
Jupiter's Great Red Spot was discovered in 1664 by Robert Hooke. Part of the reason it lasts so long in comparison with Earth storms (other than the huge difference in scale and the existence of an internal heat source on Jupiter) is that this storm never goes over land; on Earth, hurricanes loses most of their energy and die when they stray over land.
The smaller white spots are also giant storms. The colors we see are the result of chemical reactions occurring in the atmosphere.
The differences in colors are caused by slight differences in chemical composition and temperature, but the reasons are mostly unknown. The color of a region depends on its altitude (height).
Measurements performed by NASA's Pioneer spacecraft in 1973 determined that the dark belts are warmer than the light zones. This probably means that the dark (warmer) belts are at lower altitudes than the light (colder) zones.
Jupiter's rings were discovered by NASA's Voyager 1 in 1980. The rings were investigated further when Voyager 2 flew by Jupiter.
The rings have an albedo of 0.05; they do not reflect very much of the sunlight that they receive.
This photo of Jupiter's ring was taken by NASA's Galileo spacecraft in 1996.
Jupiter's ring is in three sections: the Main ring, a Halo that orbits closer to Jupiter, and a very wide Gossamer ring that extends far from Jupiter.
•The Main ring is 6,400 km wide an less than 30 km thick. This very thin ring has a mass of about 10 13 kg. The ring is about 7,000 km wide; it starts at 122,800 km from the center of Jupiter and has an abrupt outer edge 129,130 km from the center of Jupiter. Two small moons, Adrastea and Metis, orbit within the Main ring; they may be the source of the dust in this ring.
•The Gossamer ring is a very faint and very wide ring. It consists of two rings, one embedded within the other. It is composed of very tiny particles, the microscopic debris from the moons, Amalthea and Thebe. The Gossamer ring starts at 129,000 km from the center of Jupiter and extends beyond the orbit of the moon Amalthea.
The moons of Jupiter are (in order by their distance from Jupiter): Metis, Adrastea, Amalthea, Thebe, Io, Europa, Ganymede (the biggest), Callisto (the second biggest), Leda (the smallest), Himalia, Lysithea, Elara, Ananke, Carme, Pasiphae, Sinope, and many newly-discovered moons that haven't been named yet.
Metis is the closest moon to Jupiter. Metis is 25 miles (40 km) in diameter and orbits 79,500 miles (128,000 km) from Jupiter, within its main ring. Metis and the next moon, Adrastea, are probably the source of the dust in this ring. Metis has a mass of 9 x 1016kg. It orbits Jupiter in 0.294780 (Earth) days; this is faster than Jupiter rotates on its axis. Metis was discovered by Stephen Synnott (Voyager 2) in 1980. |
Adrastea is the second-closest moon to Jupiter. Adrastea is 12 miles (20 km) in diameter and orbits 80,000 miles (129,000 km) from Jupiter, within its main ring. Adrastea and the first moon, Metis, are probably the source of the dust in this ring. Adrastea has a mass of 1.91 x 1016kg. It orbits Jupiter in 0.29826 (Earth) days; this is faster than Jupiter rotates on its axis. Adrastea was discovered by D. Jewitt and E. Danielson (Voyager 2) in 1979. |
Amalthea is the third-closest moon to Jupiter and the reddest object in our solar system . Amalthea is 145 x 91 x 83 miles (232 x146 x134 km) in diameter and orbits 112,700 miles (181,300 km) from Jupiter, within the faint Gossamer ring. Amalthea and Thebe likely provide the dust for the Gossamer ring. Amalthea has a mass of 7.2 x 1021kg. It orbits Jupiter in 0.49817905 (Earth) days and is in synchronous rotation (always keeping the same side facing Jupiter). Amalthea gives off more heat than it receives from the Sun. Amalthea was discovered by Edward Emerson Barnard in 1892. |
Thebe is the fourth-closest moon to Jupiter. Thebe is 68 x 56 miles (110 x 90 km) in diameter and orbits 138,000 miles (222,000 km) from Jupiter. Amalthea and Thebe likely provide the dust for the Gossamer ring. Thebe has a mass of 8 x 1017kg. It orbits Jupiter in 0.6745 day (Earth) days and is in synchronous rotation (always keeping the same side facing Jupiter). Thebe was discovered by Stephen Synnott (Voyager 1) in 1980. |
LEDA Leda is Jupiter's ninth and smallest moon. Leda is 9.9 miles (16 km km) in diameter and orbits at an average of 6,900,000 miles (11,094,000 km) from Jupiter. Leda has a mass of 5.68 x 1015kg. It orbits Jupiter in 238.72 (Earth) days. Very little is known about Leda. Leda was discovered by Charles Kowal in 1974. |
HIMALIA Himalia is Jupiter's tenth moon. Himalia is 110 miles (170 km) in diameter and orbits 7,000,000 miles (11,480,000 km) from Jupiter. Himalia has a mass of 9.5 x 1018kg. It orbits Jupiter in 250.5662 (Earth) days. Very little is known about Himalia. Himalia was discovered by C. Perrine in 1904. |
LYSITHEA Lysithea is Jupiter's eleventh moon. Lysithea is 15 miles (24 km) in diameter and orbits 7,200,000 miles (11,720,000 km) from Jupiter. Lysithea has a mass of 8 x 1016kg. It orbits Jupiter in 259.22 (Earth) days. Very little is known about Lysithea. Lysithea was discovered by S. Nicholson in 1938. |
ELARA Elara is Jupiter's twelfth moon. Elara is 50 miles (80 km) in diameter and orbits 7,250,000 miles (11,737,000 km) from Jupiter. Elara has a mass of 8 x 1017kg. It orbits Jupiter in 259.6528 (Earth) days. Very little is known about Elara. Elara was discovered by C. Perrine in 1905. |
ANANKE Ananke is Jupiter's thirteenth moon. Ananke is 12.5 miles (20 km) in diameter and orbits 13,100,000 miles (21,200,000 km) from Jupiter. Ananke has a mass of 4 x 1016kg. It orbits Jupiter in 631 (Earth) days and is in a retrograde orbit (orbiting opposite to the direction of Jupiter). Very little is known about Ananke. Ananke was discovered by S. Nicholson in 1951. |
CARME Carme is Jupiter's fourteenth moon. Carme is 18.5 miles (30 km) in diameter and orbits 13,800,000 miles (22,600,000 km) from Jupiter. Carme has a mass of 9 x 1016kg. It orbits Jupiter in 692 (Earth) days and is in a retrograde orbit (orbiting opposite to the direction of Jupiter). Very little is known about Carme. Carme was discovered by S. Nicholson in 1938. |
PASIPHAE Pasiphae is Jupiter's fifteenth moon. Pasiphae is 22 miles (36 km) in diameter and orbits 14,600,000 miles (23,500,000 km) from Jupiter. Pasiphae has a mass of 2 x 1023kg. It orbits Jupiter in 735 (Earth) days and is in a retrograde orbit (orbiting opposite to the direction of Jupiter). Very little is known about Pasiphae. Pasiphae was discovered by P. Melotte in 1908. |
SINOPE Sinope is Jupiter's sixteenth moon. Sinope is 17.5 miles (28 km) in diameter and orbits 14,700,000 miles (23,700,000 km) from Jupiter. Sinope has a mass of 8 x 1016kg. It orbits Jupiter in 758 (Earth) days and is in a retrograde orbit (orbiting opposite to the direction of Jupiter). Very little is known about Sinope. Sinope was discovered by S. Nicholson in 1914. |
S/1999 J 1 (a provisional name) The seventeenth and outermost moon; S/1999 J 1 is the smallest-known moon orbiting a major planet. This moon is 3 miles (5 km) in diameter and has an irregular orbit roughly 15 million miles (24 million km) from Jupiter. It orbits Jupiter in 774 (Earth) days and is in a retrograde orbit (orbiting opposite to the direction of Jupiter). It was discovered by Robert S. McMillan et al (at the Spacewatch program at the University of Arizona ) in 2000. |
Statistics on Jupiter |
Distance from Sun | 5.203 AU 480,000,000 miles 778,330,000 km |
Diameter | 88,700 miles 142,800 km |
Mass | 1.9 x 1027 kg About 318 times the mass of the Earth |
Number of Moons | 16 |
1 Jovian Day (Period of Rotation) | 9.8 Earth hours 0.40 Earth days |
1 Jovian Year (Period of Revolution Around the Sun) | 11.86 Earth years |
Escape Velocity | 59,500 m/sec |
Mean Surface Temperature | -244 °F -153 °C 120 K |
Albedo (reflectivity) | 0.44 |
Density | 1,314 kg per m3 |
Oblique Axis (Tilt of the Axis) | 3.08° |
Orbital Inclination | 1.3° |
Orbital Eccentricity (Deviation from circular) | 0.048 |
Perihelion (Closest to sun) | 740,900,000 km |
Aphelion (Farthest from sun) | 815,700,000 km |
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