Unbelievable Facts

  • Antares is about 420 million kms in diameter, which is 300 times the width of the sun.
  • The gravitational field inside a black hole is so strong that it can swallow anything in the universe, even a passing star and its light. If an objest weighing 1 kg is brought to within 6 m of a black hole, it would weigh a million million tonnes.
  • The surface of the moon is pitted with craters of all sizes upto 250 km in diameter. These have been created by meteorites smashing into the surface long ago.
  • The largest Volcano in the solar system is on Mars Olympus Moons, 600 km wide and 24,000 m high, is nearly three times higher than Mt. Everest.
  • Quassars are stupendous power houses. They give out as much energy as hundreds of galaxies from a volume of space only a light year across.
  • Halley's comet is seen after every 76 years in the sky. It was last seen in the year 1986.
  • The sun is a 5 billion years old star and is supposed to remain exist for another 5 billion years.
  • Jupiter planet is mostly made of gases.
  • Unlike other planets in the solar system, Venus spins not from west to east, but from east to west.
  • A new and tiny moon of jupiter revolves around the planet in just over 7 hours - making it the fastest moon in the solar system.
  • More than 75 million meteors enter the earth's atmosphere every day, but they disintegrate before hitting the ground.
  • Mars is called the Red planet because it's surface is red.
  • Pluto is the smallest and coldest planet among all ten planets.
  • Sirus star is much brighter than the sun. In fact, no star is as bright as sirus.
  • A person of 60 kgs weight barely will weigh 10 kg on moon, but 1,680 kg on the sun.